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In the meantime get to know Sitefinity with our introductory video below:

What is Sitefinity?

Deliver the right content, at the right time, to the right audience. As a marketer, you strive to create meaningful experiences that engage customers, drive conversions and accelerate business growth. But too often, getting there…means partnering with IT, but they are already stretched thin from doing more with less. Progress Sitefinity puts you in control.

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Getting Started with Sitefinity Sandbox

The Sitefinity Sandbox is an online hosted experience that provides you with quick and easy way to try out Sitefinity CMS without having to install any software on your computer. The sandbox gives you access to the functionality of the latest Sitefinity enterprise edition. It’s perfect in these cases when you want to experiment with Sitefinity and its out-of-the-box features.

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